I was in the insurance business, running my own office from circa 1984 until Oct 2023 (retirement). From day one I was a proponent of Advantage Plans and then cancer hit. In Jan 2021 out of the blue, within two days, my wife was diagnosed with AML Leukemia.
The closest hospital that could handle the AML said, if their treatment doesn't work, 2 weeks to live. It kind of worked but two months after living in the
hospital, they were at the end, they took me aside and said, all we can offer is palliative care.
What? They already admitted they messed up, previously telling me, "something went wrong, we don't know what went wrong but we have to figure it out, so it doesn't happen again."
Me being the advocate stepped in, I had been living in her hospital room (Covid time) and had a lot of time to work on research. This hospital is #32 in the list and Johns Hopkins Baltimore is #4. Gotta get to JHH. The hospitals were equal distance from my home, both 55 minutes. Except JHH was out of State (I live close to State line). The Medicare Care
Advantage carrier said --- oops you can go to JHH but it will be OON (out of network).
Lucky for me, we had a pocket full of money, something the general population won't have but it was something we had to do.