Lot’s of folks talk about it. And worry about it. Truth is MOST Medicare beneficiaries never enter the Coverage Gap.
At least 10 percent of beneficiaries, (about 4,500,000 in 2019) typically hit the coverage gap, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The survey asked participants about their average out-of-pocket spending on Part D prescription drugs in 2018. Forty-nine percent said they spent less than $50 per month. Of those who spent more:
35 percent spent from $51 to $250 per month
8 percent spent from $251-$420 per month and
8 percent spent more than $420 per month
“Most people only notice the amount of their prescription co-pay or co-insurance and don’t pay attention to the ‘list price’ of the drug,” Johnson notes. “It’s the list price of the drug— the amount that both the beneficiary and the drug plan pay— that determines how quickly an individual enters the Part D coverage gap,” Johnson explains. - Seniors League
Needless to say, Part D plans are confusing. Some even think they were designed that way on purpose.