When you have original Medicare and a supplement plan, you don’t have to worry about the cost of health care or access to health care.
Your OOP (out of pocket) cost for medical treatment is capped at $198 for 2020. Most of my clients have Medigap Plan G. The most you will pay for doctor visits, labs, X-ray, MRI, surgery (in or out of the hospital),
ambulance, ER . . . all of your health care . . . is $198. Next year the deductible will probably be different but it is not expected to change much.
You have the ability to anticipate and budget your health care costs. Anyone that has a Medicare Advantage plan can’t do that. Their medical bills can be hundreds or even thousands of dollars in OOP costs.
Living on a fixed income usually means watching every dollar going out for food, utilities and health care. Your G plan allows you to sleep well at night knowing you have the ability to protect your bank account from huge medical bills.
When you have original Medicare you can go to any doctor or hospital and not have to worry if you are in network or not . . . because there are no networks. You don’t have to ask your insurance carrier if you can have a test or treatment. You and your doctor make those decisions, not an insurance company.
Folks who have an Advantage plan don’t have that luxury. They are willing to enroll in a plan that has no premium and in doing so, they let an insurance carrier direct their care. If they need special care they won’t be able to go to Mayo, Sloan-Kettering, Cleveland Clinic because those places don’t participate in MOST Advantage plans.
All the TV ads and mailers that promote their $0 premium plans that often include nominal dental and vision care don’t tell the rest of the story. The “pitch” fails to mention you must use doctors, dentists and hospitals on THEIR list when you use their plan.
You already have access to the BEST medical care and you don’t have to worry about having enough money to PAY for that care.